
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist ffd_gruber_02.jpg

Photo: Luis Del Amo, Hua Hin, Thailand, 2011
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist gruberhassler.jpg

Photo: Daniel Leuenberger (Jürg Hassler, Steff Gruber, Ddnjestr, Moldova, 2006)

KINO.NET AG is an independent production, distribution and lending company. The company was set up as Vérascope Films in 1989 by the Swiss director and producer Steff Gruber, and rechristened with its present name in 2007.

The aim of KINO.NET AG is to produce innovative auteur films. We focus in particular on the realisation of independent cinema and documentary films. The aim of all our projects is to oppose the dumbing down of the media and to create artistically valuable films with bold themes. 
The company also offers services as a co-production partner in Switzerland and post production facilities.

Structural links
KINO.NET AG belongs to a group of companies which together employ a total of some 50 persons. The group includes ALIVE Media AG (Zurich) and MODUL AG (Lucerne), two firms specialising in cultural publicity and film promotion, as well as the online company AG.
The close association of these firms also proves beneficial when it comes to the marketing and launching of new films. ALIVE is the biggest cultural publicity firm in Switzerland, and works hand in hand with all important cinemas and lending companies.

In recent years, the group has invested in new production and post-production facilities. State-of-the-art editing units, colour grading and a recording studio make it possible for us to realise even large-scale projects on our own resources.

The Network
KINO.NET AG has international network links. These include RAINFIRE Inc., a film financing group just in the process of being set up. RAINFIRE.ASIA, for instance, offers financing and participation schemes for Southeast Asia as well as production services.

was created to be an international platform for the co-production of art films. Its business model is based on production firms and film makers putting their projects online, and so getting in contact with prospective.